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PDF Index Generator Professional 2.4 With Crack

pdf index generator professional 2.4 with crack free download crack, registered including serial cracked PDF Index Generator Professional PDF Index Generator is a powerful utility for generating an index and writing it to your book in 4 easy steps. PDF Index Generator parses your PDF, collects the index words and their location in the PDF, then writes the generated index to a PDF or a text file you specify. The main target for PDF Index Generator is to automate the process of generating the book index instead of doing the hard work manually. Program Features:
– Indexing books using lists of terms
– Indexing books using regular expressions
– Indexing books using font formats
– Handling header & sub-header words
– Handling cross references
– Writing the output index to pdf files
– Many themes are available PDF Index Generator Features:
– Ability to specify the ranges of pages that you want to create an Index for in the book.
– Ability to specify lists of terms to force include/exclude them in the Index.
– Ability to specify a query to force include/exclude its corresponding terms in the Index.
– Ability to define Header words, Sub-Header words,…(4 levels of words) to indent them in the Index.
– Ability to create cross-references in the index. i.e: Physicians, 12-14, 121 see also Hospitals Medical schools
– Ability to write the index terms in the index as links, referring to their corresponding pages in the book.
– Ability to append the generated index to your book, or write it to a new PDF or text file.
– Ability to specify the dimensions of the Index pages in the PDF book.
– Ability to specify after which page in the book you want to write the generated index.
– Ability to handle encrypted (password protected) books.
– Ability to use the program through the Command Line (Terminal).
– Ability to index multiple books at the same time through the Command Line.
– Ability to merge more than one Index together.
– PDF Index Generator supports all PDFs written in latin languages: i.e. Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, and many other languages.
– PDF Index Generator comes with a number of word categories containing the most famous English words (verbs, prepositions, . . . ) to exclude them. You can also create your own categories, and you can import/export them too.
– PDF Index Generator comes with a number of book index templates (Themes), where you can choose any of them to be applied while writing the Index to your book. You can also create your own templates.
– PDF Index Generator does not require Adobe Acrobat to be installed. RELEASE NOTES:
• Ability to define the index letter titles and the words that are written below them in the final index.
• Ability to write each index letter title in a new page.
• Ability to ignore writing all the index letter titles in the final index.
• A “Symbols” section is now added by default in the final index to write all index terms that start with digits or non-letter characters in that section.
• A new button has been added to Step3 Tools bar to allow highlighting all rows in the results table or invert the highlighted rows in the table.
• A new formatter item has been added to Step3 format menu to trim space from the beginning and end of the highlighted words in the results table.
• Two new formatter items have been added to Step3 format menu to convert the highlighted words to their singular/plural form.
• A new program setting has been added to allow showing or hiding the tooltips for all controls in the program.
• A new program setting has been added to allow specifying the separator between each index entry and its pages numbers in the final index.
• Two new index templates have been added to the program: Space-Saving’ & ‘Historic’ templates.
• A new query template has been added to allow indexing capitalized phrases.
• Ability to index the book by word/line/page when indexing the book using font queries.
• Ability to add a keyboard shortcut for the created words labels, for easy access.
• Ability to filter the results table in Step3 to show only index terms having labels assigned to them or show only words that do not have labels assigned to them.
• Two new parameters have been added to the command line mode of the program: “merge_duplicates” & “merge_plurals” parameters.
• Website: Old customers who have expired can now access the customer home page using their old login data to download the last program release allowed for them.
• Website: The customer now can open his order invoice from the customer area and print it.
• Website: We have now opened our new indexing services department. Our team can now handle your book index if you’re busy.
• Fixed a number of internal problems. System Requirements:
– Win XP / Win 7 / Win 8 / Win 10
– 1 GB RAM.
– 100 MB HDD space.
– Java JRE v(6.0) or above.